No tree can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell. -

At Acheron Psychiatry, we help you to find healing, ease, and authenticity.


From conventional to cutting-edge

Our Philosophy

Trauma is an inevitable feature of life. Conventional society asks us to hide, ignore, work around, or “merely cope” with the mental symptoms that result from individual and collective woundings.

The field of psychiatry itself has been increasingly shaped by this harmful attitude. Too focused on symptom management, its mission has narrowed and faltered.

That is why psychiatry, in Acheron’s view, had to be reborn.


We are proud to experience deep meaning and joy with our patients in the complexity, difficulty and discovery of the healing process.

It is a joyful duty and also a sacred one, in the service of healing and developing the spirit of the person and of culture itself.

The specific services we offer are all targeted toward optimizing the healing and developmental clinical journey in ways that are unique to a psychiatry reborn, and re-centered on its true mission.

Our Services

Meet the Team